
Far from what I once was, but not yet what I'm going to be

Thursday, April 26, 2012


My mission trip to Guatemala is approaching all too quickly! As I write this, it is exactly 57 days till my departure. That seems so close!

This means I have 57 days to raise the $2,075 needed for my trip. Please keep myself and my team in your prayers as we have much fundraising yet to do with little time before we leave.

I know the Lord will provide and it will all work out according to His plan in His perfect timing, but it's good to know we have fellow believers and mission-minded people behind us helping with the power of prayer and generous gifts.

I sent some support letters out earlier this week as a fundraising project, but I am open to any ideas you may have of another fundraising opportunity. Please leave comments with suggestions!

Thanks a million ;)


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Follow that Dream

Ohhh Elvis.

This song is perfect to go along with my last post! And it's from a great movie I grew up watching with my daddy. A song that will always be in my heart.

Thank you daddy <3


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


If you know me - I mean really KNOW me - you know that I'm a dreamer.

Tonight I got to listen to a speaker who is very near and dear to my heart. His name is Josh Riebock. Heard of him? Well, you're about to!

Tonight Josh talked about dreams. About being a dreamer. There couldn't have been a better message for me to hear tonight. I have so many dreams! BIG ONES! And the words flowing out of him were so real. So raw. So passionate. Powerful.

One of the things he said tonight was something I have learned over the past year. That when you share your dream with another person, you are giving them the power to kill it. If they laugh at it, or mock it, or say it'll never happen. It sucks! It hurts! You see, dreams are a part of who we are. They are like our children. And as I learned so quickly, sharing my dreams with others wasn't easy. But if you don't share your dream with someone, you're killing it before it even has a chance.

Everyone has their own dreams for a reason. And no one dream is any better than another. They're ALL special. One person's dream to be a doctor is no better than another's dream to be a teacher. They're both dreams. They're both special. They're both beautiful. And they're both perfectly fit for the individual whose dream it is. If your dream is to be a teacher, and other's make you feel inferior because their dream is to be a doctor, DON'T LISTEN TO THAT. You would be stooping if you then changed your mind and decided to become a doctor. Stooping? Yes. Stooping. You're stooping down to be something you aren't. To be someone you are not meant to be.

But I'm a person who really thinks about my dreams. I mean really really thinks about them. As Josh pointed out tonight, dreams aren't born in the clouds, whims are; dreams are born in the mud.

I love that. I know from experience that I am changed more by my failures than my successes. That when things are hard and life gets rough, THAT is when dreams are born. You dream of something greater.

What do I dream of? Not WHAT I'll DO. But WHO I'll BE.

I don't care about the things I accomplish or the great things I do. I care about who I become. And who I am will be shown through my actions.

I know that my dreams come from above. The Lord lays something on my heart and I so desperately want to serve Him with my life. Dreams of medical missions in Africa, donating a kidney, figuring out a water purification system for countries in need of clean water, and so many others that I have come from Him. And I know this full well.

So often when I share my dreams, people look at me like I'm crazy. Like I'm a little kid believing that one day I'll change the world. They look at me like I'm dumb and naive to think that I can make a difference. But let me tell you something, my dreams come from above. And I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength. If He puts it on my heart, and I am willing to be His servant and to be His hands and feet, nothing is impossible.

So the next time someone tells you a dream of theirs, don't roll your eyes at them and brush it aside thinking it'll never happen. Don't kill someone's dream. Anything is possible and all of us have specific dreams for a reason.

Don't give up on your dreams! Don't let them die! Believe in yourself and believe in the One above.

As Josh Riebock says, there is a hero and a monster inside all of us. Don't let the monster kill your dreams. Let the Lord bring the hero out in you. And TOGETHER we CAN make a difference.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Guatemala 2012

I promised to bring you more details about my upcoming trip to Guatemala. Here you go!

My trip is June 22-30, 2012. I will be working alongside Doctor Gomez, an amazing man (I haven't met yet) that has devoted his life to the health and well being of the Guatemalan people. I will be assisting him in water purification projects, teaching the public the importance of hygiene, and doing some other very exciting medical work.

Even though Africa is my dream - and clearly placed on my heart by the Lord - I am so stoked for Guatemala! I didn't realize that Guatemala is number four in the world for starvation. Doesn't that just break your heart? I know it breaks mine. . . How many times do I only eat half of the meal placed before me because there is just too much? OFTEN. How often do these men, women, and children go without food? SO OFTEN.

I can't wait to share resources, knowledge, love, and JESUS with the Guatemalan people. The closer we get to the trip, the more excited I become. I will be sure to keep you all posted on more specific details of the trip when they are finalized.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for caring. Thank you for supporting.